1. Foundation establishment

     The foundation of the XPHCC is committed to the development and construction of a valuable medical chain and good governance to ensure the harmonious development of ecological communities. The foundation's top decision-making role is the Foundation Strategic Management Committee, which consists of the ‘Medical Quality and Safety Management Committee, Development and Operational Management Committee, Financial Personnel Management Committee, Rights Protection Committee, Charity Assistance Committee, and Audit Supervision and Management Committee’. In the foundation, Strategic Management Committee consisted of the chairman of the foundation, the core developer of the XPHCC, members of the senior node, and representatives of key investors. Each term of office is three years. The foundation has a chairman, a deputy chairman, and a secretary-general. All decisions are subject to voting.

Foundation organizational structure of the XPHCC

1.1Strategic management committee

     The Strategic management committee is the highest decision-making role. The main objective of its establishment is to discuss and resolve important decision-making issues faced by the development of the XPHCC community, including but not limited to: modifying the governance structure of the foundation; the formation of strategic management committees and rotation resolutions; Appointment and rotation of the chairman of the foundation, the deputy chairman and the secretary-general; the appointment and removal of the heads of the functional committees; the review and revision of the foundation's articles of association; the development of strategic decisions for the XPHCC; the changes and upgrades of the core technology of the XPHCC; Decision-making and crisis management agendas; emergencies such as events affecting the entire community, software security, etc.

The above important issues need to be voted on by a strategic management committee by a registered vote. Each member of the Strategic management committee has one vote and the chairman of the foundation has two votes. The resolutions of the Strategic management committee must be passed by a majority of all members of the committee.

1.2 Secretary general

     The Secretary general is elected by the Strategic management committee and is responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of the foundation, the coordination of the work of the subordinate committees, and the chairmanship of the Strategic Management Committee. The Secretary general is the top person in charge of the administrative affairs of the XPHCC foundation. He provides unified guidance and coordination of the foundation’s daily operations, technology development, community maintenance, public relations, and organizes business units and functional committees at the governance structure level. The Secretary general regularly reports on the work to the Strategic management committee.

1.3Medical quality safety management committee

     Members of the medical quality and safety management committee are composed of experts in medical technology and medical management who have a certain say and influence in this area of expertise; they have good scientific ethics and serious and rigorous study style. Responsible for the quality and safety checks of all medical processes, strengthen the management of medical quality, improve the level of medical technology services, and ensure medical safety; be responsible for reviewing the technical level of medical experts, diagnosis and treatment norms, ability qualifications, new technologies, and research projects; The safeguards committee provides technical and managerial professional support for patients’ objections to medical treatment practices and procedures. The medical quality and safety management committee meets quarterly and releases medical quality reports every six months. According to JCI management standards, quality and safety inspections are conducted every year for medical institutions, and remedial measures and feedback are proposed to achieve continuous improvement.

1.4Development operations management committee

     The development and operations management committee is responsible for the development, continuous improvement and maintenance technology of the XPHCC, and technology promotion, product promotion, efficiency improvement, and establishment and maintenance of related partners. The committee regularly holds press conferences to conduct external announcements and inquiries on important issues.

1.5 Financial personnel management committee

     The financial personnel management committee is responsible for the use of funds raised by the project and the review of developer salary management and daily operating expenses audits; it is responsible for recruiting excellent blockchain industry technology development and management talents, and formulating the necessary according to the best practices of human resource management. Human resources planning, recruitment and review procedures ensure that the foundation attracts the right talent. At the same time, do a good job in performance appraisal each year, formulate an optimized performance appraisal plan and report it to the strategic management committee for review.

1.6 Rights and interests protection committee

     The rights protection committee is mainly responsible for maintaining and guaranteeing the rights and interests of all cooperative agencies, doctors and patients in the XPHCC, accepting and handling complaints and reports, penalizing partners who violate relevant regulations, and even permanently entering the blacklist.

1.7 Charity relief committee

     The charity relief committee is composed of representatives of moral models and convincing charitable organizations. It mainly helps people with difficulties who have made outstanding contributions to the society, has model workers and moral models with economic difficulties, outstanding doctors, and patients with financial difficulties in major disease families. The foundation fixes a certain amount each year for charity relief funds.

1.8 Audit supervision committee

     The audit supervision committee is responsible for supervising the audit of the foundation's accounting, financial reports and accounting statements. The foundation authorizes the audit and compliance committee to investigate all activities within its terms of reference. The audit supervision and management committee has the right to collect any information it needs from any member, and all members should cooperate with all the requirements of the audit and compliance management committee. The audit supervision and management committee is responsible for the independent supervision and risk management of the overall operations of the foundation, and conducts daily guidance to the legal and compliance departments of the foundation to ensure that the entire foundation's operations are in a state of complete compliance and legality.

2.Foundation risk assessment and decision mechanism

    Foundation of the XPHCC upholds a risk-oriented, sustainable management blockchain community. The foundation will make decisions based on the nature of the risk of the event and its priority. For major risk events, the strategic management committee must discuss the decision.

3.Legal compliance matters

    Foundation of the XPHCC insists on the non-profit nature of the operation of the cooperative organization. The operation of the XPHCC complies with laws and regulations and regulatory requirements. In the event of a dispute, the parties concerned should settle the matter in accordance with the agreement. If negotiation fails, it can be resolved through legal channels.
