Features and advantages

Quality control system

Introduce JCI certification standards and establish a strict quality control system

      The XPHCC introduced the highest quality standard of medical care--the United States JCI certification system, and established a patient-centered medical quality monitoring system. Because of JCI International Standards, establish quality and safety management standards that are suitable for the development of Chinese hospitals. Focus on the patient and ensure that the right people do the right thing at the right time. Follow-up method is used to carry out all-round inspections on all aspects of the medical process, to achieve a highly transparent medical process, to protect the patient's right to know, and to protect the legitimate rights of patients. The patient follows the unified international guidelines for medical treatment and allows the patient to obtain the best medical diagnosis and treatment plan. Establish an anonymous reporting system for non-punitive adverse events; regularly publish quality reports to effectively avoid medical risks and medical incidents, and continuously improve the quality and safety of users' medical services. 
